Actionable Strategies & Analytics for Small & Mid-size Businesses

Strategic Planning & Analytics for Small and Mid-size Businesses

“Strategy & Execution are two sides of a coin connected by an EDGE that is often overlooked but keeps the coin rolling forward.

Edge Strategic Planning, creates an EDGE for your business by developing actionable strategies and analytics, while you remain focused on running your business.  

Does this sound familiar…

“I start my day intending to work on a ‘strategic initiative’ but something more urgent always comes up. Furthermore, drawing relevant insights from the copious amounts of available data is vital, but time consuming. Our business is growing, but my gut tells me, the day will come when the ‘strategic initiative’ becomes an urgent priority, and it will be too late.” -CEO of a company with double digit growth.

At Edge Strategic Planning, we recognize that small teams have the intent and talent but lack the time and resources to develop informed strategies. Yet, we find that leaders who prioritize these efforts see a pay off.

How we can help you

Our expertise covers strategic planning, analytics design, and communication for change management. We can support your work in each of these areas and also develop a comprehensive program that finds the right balance of these elements to give your business its EDGE.

Plan to PErform

Successful strategy execution starts with a well-aligned plan and rigorously prioritized and measurable goals. Most crucially, it requires disciplined execution of the goals and regular reviews of its progress. Edge Strategic Planning can help you with this so you can focus on running your business.


Digital transformation and data science are must-haves. But, is the data generating value for your business? At Edge Strategic Planning, we take an actionable approach to analytics by ensuring your systems are optimized for relevant data collection and the findings drive sales.

MESSAGE TO motivate

A strategy that is easy to communicate and clearly understood by all stakeholders is crucial for successful execution. It ensures a team is motivated and headed in the same direction. We can support your internal communications and change management keeping your team engaged and focused.

Why we are different

We believe that strategy & execution are two sides of a coin connected by an EDGE that is often overlooked but keeps the coin rolling forward.

The EDGE links your strategy and execution. By focusing on the EDGE, we ensure the strategies we develop are actionable and linked to your implementation tactics. Additionally, as part of our process, we identify a set of analytics that are relevant to your business and this forms the basis of the EDGE or link. By using such an approach, we also aim to integrate your data strategy with your business strategy. When needed, we help businesses adjust their mindset on the use of data, by emphasizing analytics that continuously inform your business decisions, over those that measure performance discreetly. This approach is layered onto strategic planning fundamentals that include: 

  1. Plans that are substantiated with analyses

  2. Goals that are rigorously prioritized and measurable 

  3. Tools that ensure teams are aligned, incentivized and accountable through implementation

As you consider building, refining or implementing your strategy, please call, email or use the contact form to discuss how we can help you meet your goals.

➤ Location

Raleigh, NC, USA

AVAILABLE for projects in North America and Europe

(919) 213-0454

Let's Chat.

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